Love's Whirlpool (愛の渦, Ai no Uzu) is a 2014 Japanese erotic romantic drama film directed by Daisuke Miura. The film was adapted from Miura's own award winning play of the same name, and portrays a group of men and women who pay to come to a common location to take part in organized promiscuous sexual activity. It was released in Japan on March 1, 2014.Synopsis
The entire film is in located in a high rise residential building in Roppongi, Japan where four anonymous men and four anonymous women pay to enter an anonymous sex club. At the beginning of the night the owner comes out and lets them know that they will have from 12 A.M. midnight until 5 A.M. to continue whatever sexual activities they desire. The rules include showering every time after sex and using the restroom, condoms must be worn at all times, and men must respect the wishes of the women.