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Maa is a film of genre Drama directed by Nityananda Palit

Maa (1958)

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Genres Drama

Maa (Odia: ମା) is a 1959 Indian Oriya film directed by Nitai Palit.
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There are 7 films with the same director, 61124 with the same cinematographic genres, to have finally 70 suggestions of similar films.

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Kedar Gouri, 2h56
Directed by Nityananda Palit
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Beena Banerjee, Nityananda Palit

Kedar and Gouri are deeply fond of each other since childhood. Kedar's father and Gouri father are village heads and have rivalry between them. As both Kedar and Gouri grow, their fondness transfer in to intense and enduring love. But their family do not allow them to meet each other and place a barrier between them. Once Kedar in disguise tries to attend Gouri's birthday function. He traces out and is humiliated and thrown away by Gouri's father. Now it is impossible for the lovers to meet as their family tighten the security for both of them. The lovers have no other option and elope from their home. while venture in jungle, Gauri feels very thirsty. Kedar goes to nearby spring to bring water. When Kedar returns with water, he can not find Gouri anywhere around. He tires search Gouri's whereabout. In the meantime he heards a tiger's rumble suddenly at some distaance away. He panicly searches for Gouri. On the way he finds blood stained clothes of Gouri. Kedar is now sure that Gouri is eaten by the tiger. In an anguish and frustration Kedar stabs himself repeatedly until he is dead. But to the contrary, Gouri is safely hides in some bush away from the scene.She comes back to the scene after the tiger disappear. Her heart breaks when she finds Kedar died for her sake. Gauri feels she can not able live with out Kedar and follows suit. Thus the lovers brings end of their life for eacher to imprint a sublime love story.
Malajahna (1965)

Directed by Nityananda Palit
Genres Drama
Actors Sarat Pujari, Geeta Dutt
Rating66% 3.3141153.3141153.3141153.3141153.314115
Sati,the female protagonist of the movie,is forced into a marriage by her poor parents with a rich ugly old man living with a concubine. She finds the other way to overcome the mishap in her life when a young neighbor Nath develops love interest in her. Both finally leave the village and escape to Cuttack town. The conservative neighbors question their relationship. Sati, unable to bear the scandal concerning her and Natha, finally commits suicide by jumping into the river.
Kie Kahara
Kie Kahara (1968)
, 2h58
Directed by Nityananda Palit
Genres Drama, Musical
Actors Sarat Pujari, Bhanumati Devi

Prakash's father leaves him after his wife's death and gives Prakash's custodian to his sister Mamata. Mamata gives a good education to Prakash and he becomes an engineer. Prakash gets a job in town, In the town, he meets Rajendra Samantrai's family and stays in their home as tenant. Rajendra Samantrai's forefathers are Zamindar. Rajendra struggles enough to fulfill the demands of his wife and her status. in the meanwhile Rajendra's daughter Malati falls love with Prakash. Rajendra accepts their love ship but Subhadra prefers Nagen, who is the son of a wealthy contractor Nabin Mahapatra over Praksah. Subhadra believes Nagen's wealth can helps them to maintain their status. When Nagen comes with an offer for his marriage with Malati, Rajendra straightly denies this. The offended Nagen tries disrupt Rajendra's family. Also Nagen gets success to create a confusion Prakash and Malati. At last Prakash's father arrives the scene and ends all confusion. At last Prakash and Malati gets married.
Mana Akasha, 2h47
Directed by Nityananda Palit
Genres Drama

Sashank Patnaik and Rudra Choudhury are close friends. Rudra's son Bhanu develops love relationship with Sashank's daughter Mala. After demise of Rudra, Sashank tries to acquire the properties of Rudra. In spite of knowing Mala is pregnant and Bhanu is her lover, Rudra tries to kill Bhanu by giving poison to be the owner of the whole property. But later on Sashank realizes his mistake helps unite Bhanu and Mala.
Dharitri (1973)
, 4h38
Directed by Nityananda Palit
Genres Drama
Actors Sarat Pujari, Prashanta Nanda, Bhanumati Devi, Sriram Panda

Girish Choudhury is a pseudo social activist and politician. He has two sons, Subhendu and Sudhir. To get popularity in society he gets his daughter-in-law from a poor family for his son Subhendu. Subhendu doesn't like his wife Mamata and stays in town and engaged in contracting business with the help of his father. Grish's wife always tortures Mamata and ask for dowry. Mamata silently bears all the pain and torture caused by her mother-in-law. Sudhir, a revolutionist doesn't accept the things happens in his house and revolt back against his father, mother and brother. at last he gets success uniting Subhendu and Mamata.
Bhai-Bhai (1956)
, 2h31
Directed by Nityananda Palit
Genres Drama
Actors Beena Banerjee, Daisy Irani, Ashok Kumar, Kishore Kumar, Shyama, David Abraham
Rating65% 3.275443.275443.275443.275443.27544
In a village there are two sections of people leaving nearby. The upper cast people belongs to Pradhan's and the lower caste belongs to Bauri's. Pradhan community are influential and landlords. The Bauri community are cultivation labourers, they work in the lands of Pradhan's. Bauris are treated as untouchable. Suduria is head of the village and is of upper cast. He is board minded and do not believe in untouchability. He has a soft corner for one Nidhi, who belongs to Bauri caste. Nidhi calls Suduria affectionately as brother. Bana, who is from Pradhan community does not accept the daring of lower community to maintain relationship with the upper caste. He calls a meeting in the village asks for punishment to Nidhi for maintaining relationship with upper caste. The village people decides to punish Nidhi for his crime and bars him from working in the land and taking water from pond. Though Suduria is against the decision, but remain silent against the voice of Pradhan community. The lower caste Bauri community feel harassed against the decision and decide not to work in the field of Pradhan community. Without labourers the cultivation work has get stopped and the land become barren. At last Pradhan community realize their fault and accept the relationship of Suduria and Nidhi.
Bandhu Mohanty, 2h52
Directed by Nityananda Palit

Bandhu Mohanty is a devotee of God Jagganath. He lives with wife and children and maintain his lively hood by begging. When there is a famine in the village, to escape starvation, he comes to Puri, with his wife and children. But they can not find out food anywhere. When his wife asks prays the God to ends their starvation, Bundhu Mohanty prays the God to helps him. God Jagganath listen his devotee's pray and asks Goddess Lakshmi to meet their needs.
The Demon
The Demon (1978)
, 1h50
Directed by Yoshitarō Nomura
Origin Japon
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Ken Ogata, Shima Iwashita, Mayumi Ogawa, Jun Hamamura, Takanobu Hozumi, Keizō Kanie
Rating73% 3.6766853.6766853.6766853.6766853.676685
Consumed by the jealousy and power struggles of their own relationships, a man, his mistress and his wife involve three children in their own games-with tragic results. After Sokichi stops providing his mistress with monetary support, she leaves her three children with him, whom she insists are also his, and disappears. Sokichi is bewildered and his wife is livid so with regard only for their own discomfort, they go about remedying their situation.
The Incident, 2h18
Directed by Yoshitarō Nomura
Genres Drama
Actors Keiko Matsuzaka, Shinobu Ōtake, Toshiyuki Nagashima, Tsunehiko Watase, Shinsuke Ashida, Kō Nishimura
Rating68% 3.4172253.4172253.4172253.4172253.417225
Le corps de Sakai Hatsuko, une femme de 23 ans tuée à l'arme blanche, est retrouvé dans une forêt. Quelques jours plus tard, Ueda Hiroshi, un ouvrier de chantier naval de 19 ans, est arrêté et accusé du meurtre. Lors du procès d'Ueda, une histoire complexe se déroule.