Mansfield Park is a 2007 British television film directed by Iain B. MacDonald and starring Billie Piper, Michelle Ryan, and Blake Ritson. Adaptated of the classic Jane Austen novel of the same name, the film is about a young girl who is sent by her poor mother to live with wealthy relatives at their Mansfield estate. By the age of eighteen, the young woman falls in love with her sensitive cousin who is studying to be a clergyman. Her feelings for him prevent her from accepting a marriage proposal from a much wealthier suitor.
Mansfield Park premiered on 18 March 2007 on the United Kingdom network ITV at 9:00 p.m., as part of The Jane Austen Season. It was filmed at Newby Hall, North Yorkshire, England. It made its TV debut in Canada on 23 December 2007 and in the United States on 27 January 2008. The drama ran for two hours (including advertisement breaks) in the United Kingdom, 90 minutes without the breaks.Synopsis
Pendant le générique, on voit Fanny, 10 ans, arriver dans la riche famille de son oncle, tandis qu'en voix off elle raconte d'où elle vient, ajoutant : « On m'avait appris à bien me tenir, à me montrer reconnaissante. J'étais la parente pauvre et on me le faisait sentir ». Intimidée et effrayée, elle éclate en sanglots et s'enfuit en courant, sous le regard désapprobateurs des adultes, choqués de ce manque de politesse et dubitatifs sur sa capacité à évoluer.