Dangerous Liaisons is a gay pornographic film directed by Michael Lucas and released by Lucas Entertainment in 2005. The film is a film adaptation of Les Liaisons Dangereuses, a novel written in 1782 by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. Set in the fashion industry of modern-day New York City, Lucas inserted pornographic scenes into the common themes of lust and deceit for the plot of his X-rated version.
A documentary of the film, More Dangerous: The Making of Michael Lucas' Dangerous Liaisons, premiered at the 2006 Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on July 22, 2006.Synopsis
Michael Lucas plays Marcus Von Halpern, head of a New York fashion empire, who enlists the help of Valentine Moore, played by Gus Mattox. Von Halpern wants Moore, a world-renowned photographer and "player", to seduce Sebastian Lacroix (Wilfried Knight), the new lover of Von Halpern's ex-boyfriend, Tom Mercedes (Kent Larson). Moore agrees on one condition: he gets a night with Von Halpern as his reward.