Middle Age Crazy is a 1980 American comedy film directed by John Trent and written by Carl Kleinschmitt and Jerry Lee Lewis. The film stars Bruce Dern, Ann-Margret, Graham Jarvis, Deborah Wakeham, Eric Christmas and Helen Hughes. The film was released on July 25, 1980, by 20th Century Fox.Synopsis
Bobby Lee is living a simple, suburban life with his wife, whose efforts to please him include having orgasms that end with her saying: "Bingo." After she throws a party for his 40th birthday, Bobby Lee undergoes a serious mid-life crisis. He changes his wardrobe, gets a faster car and begins an affair with a younger woman. His wife tolerates it for a while, then ultimately has a fling of her own. Bobby Lee comes back to her in the end, thankful for what he has.