Midnight Special is an upcoming American science fiction film written and directed by Jeff Nichols. The film stars Adam Driver, Michael Shannon, Kirsten Dunst, and Joel Edgerton. It is Nichols' fourth feature film, and his first studio production.
Nichols has described Midnight Special as a "sci-fi chase film". He stated, "However absurd that sounds, it’s more grounded than Mud. I really wanted to make a 1980s John Carpenter film like Starman. I love the way those films look."Synopsis
Roy is a father desperate to protect his uniquely gifted, eight-year-old son Alton. Joined by Joel Edgerton and Kirsten Dunst's characters, this group must race to get Alton to a secret location all while being hunted by an extreme religious sect led by Sam Shepard and a government task force headed up by Adam Driver. It is a full-on chase, the outcome of which could bring about a world-changing event.