Mighty Like a Moose (1926) is a Charley Chase short silent film that was directed by Leo McCarey. It was released on July 18, 1926.
In this short silent comedy, a homely husband and his equally unsightly wife improve their looks with plastic surgery without telling each other. The two later meet, and not recognizing each other, begin to flirt, both thinking they are cheating on their spouse. The film is representative of Chase's adroit blend of farce, surrealism, and sight gags.
This two-reel short comedy is considered by some scholars to be Chase's finest silent film and is routinely listed among the greatest of all silent comedy short subjects. In 2007, Mighty Like A Moose was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, which recognizes American films deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.Synopsis
Mr. et Mrs. Moose sont tous deux particulièrement laids. Lui décide de se faire poser des dents en bon état, elle de remodeler son nez difforme. Ils se rencontrent par hasard et ne se reconnaissent pas : ils décident de se revoir en secret afin de le cacher à leur époux et épouse.