Mixed Blessings, also known as Danielle Steel's Mixed Blessings, is a 1995 NBC television film directed by Bethany Rooney. The film is based upon the 1985 novel of the same name written by Danielle Steel. It contains three stories of couples who are facing parenthood for the first time. Scott Baio, Bess Armstrong, Gabrielle Carteris, and Bruce Greenwood lead the all-star cast.Synopsis
Three couples are followed as they struggle to have children. Diana and Andy Douglas are a newlywed with great careers trying to have a baby for eleven months, without any results. As they visit the doctor, they are crushed to find out that Diana has problems with her ovary and she has a 1 in 10,000 chance to become pregnant. Diana, who always wanted to have a child, considers finding a surrogate mother, but the process proves to be very painful because Andy always wanted to have a child as well, she thinks she is preventing him from living his dream and files for divorce.