Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree is a television Christmas special that first aired in 1995. The special stars Robert Downey, Jr., Leslie Nielsen, and Stockard Channing. It also features Kermit the Frog as a narrator and various other Muppets created exclusively for the special.
The special was based on a book of the same name, by Robert Barry. In 2005, "Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree" was adapted into a children's theater stage production by the Way Off Broadway Dinner Theatre & Children's Theatre.Synopsis
The special begins with the song “The Perfect Tree,” which features both Mr. Willowby (Robert Downey, Jr.) singing about his desire to find the perfect Christmas tree and, within Willowby’s house, a father mouse singing that he will go out to get a tree for his family (his two children, a boy and a girl, decide to come with him). After the song is finished, Willowby asks his butler, Baxter (Leslie Nielsen) where his tree is.