Namma Annachi is a 1994 Tamil drama film directed by Dhalapathi. The film features R. Sarathkumar in a triple role, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Heera Rajagopal and Rupini in lead roles. The film, produced by K. S. Srinivasan and K. S. Sivaraman, had musical score by Deva and was released on 21 May 1994 to negative reviews.Synopsis
Ayya (R. Sarathkumar) was an honest police officer, the villagers respected him for protecting the village against the heartless don Vaiyapuri (Mohan Natarajan). He lived hapilly with his wife (Rupini) and his son Annachi. One day, the don killed Ayya and his wife in front of their son. Later, Annachi hurted heavily Vaiyapuri and fled to the city.