Never Forever is a 2007 South Korean-American romantic drama film, written and directed by Gina Kim, and starring Vera Farmiga. The film was critically acclaimed when it was first screened at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, and won the Jury Prize at the Deauville American Film Festival. The Korean title 두번째 사랑 translates to Second Love.Synopsis
Arriving home after her father-in-law's funeral, Sophie Lee (Vera Farmiga), a Caucasian woman, and her husband Andrew (David McInnis), a Korean-American, have sex on their kitchen table; Andrew breaks down in her arms shortly after. At the doctor's office, Sophie is told that her husband's sperm isn't healthy enough to get her pregnant, and she pleads with Dr. Hanson (Marceline Hugot) to secretly give her someone else's sperm, though the doctor refuses.