Next Friday is a 2000 American stoner comedy film, and the sequel to the 1995 film Friday. This is the first film to be produced by producer Ice Cube's film production company Cubevision. The film is directed by Steve Carr, and stars Ice Cube, Mike Epps, Don "D.C." Curry, John Witherspoon, and Tommy "Tiny" Lister Jr.
A third film, Friday After Next was released in November 2002, with a fourth film in development.Synopsis
After a fight between Craig (Ice Cube) and the neighborhood bully Deebo (Tommy "Tiny" Lister Jr.), rumor spreads that Deebo will be breaking out of jail soon and will come looking for Craig. As a result, Craig's father, Willie (Witherspoon), decides to have him stay with his uncle Elroy (Don Curry), and cousin Day-Day (Mike Epps) in Rancho Cucamonga.