Sem Controle (English: No Control) also known as The Last Madness, is a 2007 Brazilian drama thriller film directed by Cris D'amato and starring Eduardo Moscovis, Milena Toscano, Vanessa Gerbelli and Renata Batista. The film was screened at the Première Brasil of the 2007 Festival do Rio.Synopsis
Danilo is a theatre director obsessed with the injustice committed against the farmer Manoel da Motta Coqueiro, in a case that initiated the process of extinction of the death penalty in Brazil. Spurred by a mysterious, beautiful woman, Danilo begins to rehearse a play about the life of Motta Coqueiro, where he plays the farmer, and the remaining characters are experienced by psychiatric patients. Gradually Danilo begins to confuse what is real and what is imaginary, passing to relive the historical facts as if he himself were Motta Coqueiro.