Once Upon A Time is a 2013 Malayalam animated film, directed by Binu Sasidharan and starring Salim Kumar and Mala Aravindan. Released on 24 May 2013, it is the first animated feature film to be produced in the Malayalam language, and it is Binu's first feature film, opting for a wide theatrical release rather than through domestic release as with his previous works.Synopsis
A sage gives Rahul a book containing various chants and spells. When Rahul reads the book, he is enchanted by a magic king and is magically transported with his doll, Kunjan, to a new world which mirrors the existence of the magic kingdom. Rahul is puzzled and decides to try to discern where he and Kunjan have been transported. During his investigations, he becomes entangled in a great conflict between the evil forces of the Black Magician and a power-hungry minister. Throughout the film, it becomes clear that Rahul must be the one to save the magic kingdom from these villains.