Operation: Endgame is a 2010 action comedy film directed by Fouad Mikati featuring an ensemble cast. It premiered on November 5, 2009, at the American Film Market and had a limited release in the US on July 16, 2010. It was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on July 27, 2010.Synopsis
The majority of the events in the film take place on 2.20.09, the date of the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States and the first day of work for "The Fool", as the film's main character (Joe Anderson) is code-named. The Factory, a secret office of government agents, has hired him as a thief. After the beautiful High Priestess (Maggie Q) and the caustic Chariot (Rob Corddry) meet the Fool, they enter the secret underground offices of the Factory, and the audience learns that Neal (Michael Hitchcock), Carl (Tim Bagley), and their boss Susan (Beth Grant) have the entire office under surveillance.