Palme is a Swedish documentary film from 2012 directed, and written by Maud Nycander and Kristina Lindström. The film is a biographical portrait of the former prime minister Olof Palme, and covers his life from childhood to the role as a leading figure of Swedish politics.
It has been shown as a 103 minutes long feature film in the cinemas, and as a 175 minutes long TV-movie in three parts on SVT at Christmas and New Year the same year. At the 48th Guldbagge Awards, the film was nominated in three categories: Best Documentary (Maud Nycander and Kristina Lindström), Best Editing (Andreas Jonsson, Hanna Lejonqvist and Niels Pagh Andersen) and Best music (Benny Andersson). It won in the latter two categories.Synopsis
On Friday evening, February 28, 1986 Olof Palme was shot dead in the street. The day after, the news reached out to the people that the country's prime minister was dead, and the whole country found itself suddenly shocked.