Prison Break: The Final Break is a 2009 television movie of the Prison Break franchise. It serves as the series finale of Prison Break. The movie aired May 27 in the United Kingdom on Sky1. In the United States and Canada, the movie was first released on DVD and Blu-ray on July 21, 2009. The movie covers the events which occurred during the latter half of the series and that are not explained during the series.
The story starts off with Sara being arrested for the murder of Christina (Scofield) Hampton, during her and Michael's wedding party. At the Miami-Dade State Penitentiary, overcrowding necessitates that the female prison and jail are housed in the same building. Gretchen Morgan watches from a distance, having been imprisoned after the events in "The Sunshine State". Sara is attacked as revenge by the Miami-Dade COs for having left the door unlocked, allowing the "Fox River Eight" to escape and eventual dismissal or suspension of several staff members of Fox River.