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Queen of the Night is a french film directed by Fritz Wendhausen with Friedl Haerlin

Queen of the Night (1931)

Queen of the Night
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Queen of the Night (German:Königin einer Nacht) is a 1931 French musical comedy film directed by Fritz Wendhausen and starring Friedl Haerlin, Karl Ludwig Diehl and Walter Janssen. It is an operetta film. It is the German-language version of the French film La Femme d'une nuit. A separate Italian version was also made. Multiple-language versions were a common feature of the early years of sound before dubbing became firmly established.

The film's set's were designed by the art director Pierre Schild.


Friedl Haerlin

(Königin Elena)
Karl Ludwig Diehl

Walter Janssen

(Paul d'Armont)
Otto Wallburg
Trailer of Queen of the Night

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Source : Wikidata


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