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Anton Walbrook is a Actor Autrichien born on 19 november 1896 at Vienna (Austria)

Anton Walbrook

Anton Walbrook
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Birth name Adolf Anton Wohlbrück
Nationality Austria
Birth 19 november 1896 at Vienna (Austria)
Death 9 august 1967 (at 70 years)

Anton Walbrook (born Adolf Anton Wilhelm Wohlbrück, 19 November 1896 – 9 August 1967) was an Austrian actor who settled in the United Kingdom.


Après avoir fait de la figuration au temps du cinéma muet, Adolf Wohlbruck qui fut l'élève de Max Reinhardt à Berlin, entame le cinéma parlant avec un petit rôle dans Trapèze (E.A. Dupont, 1931), puis tourne sous la direction de Ludwig Berger et Raoul Ploquin dans La Guerre des valses (1933) et dans Mascarade de Willi Forst (1934), mais il se révèle véritablement au grand public en 1935, en jouant dans les versions allemande, américaine et française de Michel Strogoff (Richard Eichberg et Jacques de Baroncelli). Juif, il fuit le régime nazi et se réfugie, lors de l'Anschluss, en Grande-Bretagne où il anglicise son nom en Anton Walbrook. Devenu un acteur reconnu et populaire, il tourne dès lors dans quelques grandes productions d'époque, incarnant notamment le Prince Albert dans La Reine Victoria (Herbert Wilcox, 1937). En 1940, il interprète un mari sadique dans Gaslight de Thorold Dickinson, et joue ensuite dans plusieurs films de guerre de Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger. Ce sont 49e Parallèle (1941), Colonel Blimp (1943), ou encore Les Chaussons rouges (The Red Shoes, 1948), qui lui donnent l'occasion d'asseoir une notoriété internationale.

Anton Walbrook est à l'aise dans des rôles d'officiers comme d'aristocrates. Il allie dans ses films la sobriété et le charme classique du dandy à l'élégance, et une certaine ironie un peu distante. Il retrouve Thorold Dickinson en 1948 dans le thriller La Reine des cartes, et, en 1950, Max Ophuls fait appel à lui pour être le meneur de jeu de La Ronde. Julien Duvivier le dirige dans L'Affaire Maurizius en 1953, et il retrouve Ophuls en 1955 pour Lola Montès, dans lequel il interprète Louis Ier de Bavière. Il incarne l'évêque Cauchon dans Sainte Jeanne (Otto Preminger, 1957) aux côtés de Jean Seberg et John Gielgud, et fait une dernière apparition dans L'Affaire Dreyfus (I Accuse!) de José Ferrer la même année, se retirant ensuite définitivement du grand écran.

Tout au long de sa carrière, Anton Walbrook effectue quelques incursions sur les planches en Europe, mais également à la télévision, pour laquelle il tourne notamment une version de Laura, d'après Vera Caspary, en 1962.

Best films

The Red Shoes (1948)
49th Parallel (1941)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Anton Walbrook (33 films)

Display filmography as list


I Accuse!
I Accuse! (1958)
, 1h32
Directed by José Ferrer
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Spy films, Films about racism, Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism, Histoire de France
Actors Anton Walbrook, José Ferrer, Viveca Lindfors, Leo Genn, Emlyn Williams, David Farrar
Roles Maj. Esterhazy
Rating71% 3.5891453.5891453.5891453.5891453.589145
Accusé à tort d'espionnage, le capitaine Alfred Dreyfus fut dégradé et condamné à la déportation à vie.
Saint Joan
Saint Joan (1957)
, 1h50
Directed by Otto Preminger
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films about religion, Théâtre, Jeanne d'Arc, Political films, Films based on plays, Histoire de France, Films about royalty
Actors Jean Seberg, Richard Widmark, Richard Todd, Barry Jones, Anton Walbrook, John Gielgud
Roles Cauchon - Bishop of Beauvais
Rating63% 3.1984653.1984653.1984653.1984653.198465
In 1456, Charles VII (Richard Widmark), experiences dreams in which he is visited by Joan of Arc (Jean Seberg), the former commander of his army, burned at the stake as a heretic twenty-five years earlier. In the dream he tells Joan that her case was retried and her sentence annulled. He recalls how she entered his life as a simple, seventeen-year-old peasant girl; how she heard the voices of Saints Catherine and Margaret telling her that she would lead the French army against the English at the siege of Orléans and be responsible for having the Dauphin crowned king at Rheims cathedral. When Joan arrives at the Dauphin's palace at Chinon she discovers that he is a childish weakling with no interest in fighting. After being tested by the members of the court, who conclude that she is mad, Joan imbues the Dauphin with her belief and fervor and he gives her command of the army.
Oh... Rosalinda!!, 1h41
Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy-drama, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Films based on operas, Operetta films
Actors Michael Redgrave, Mel Ferrer, Anthony Quayle, Dennis Price, Ludmila Tcherina, Anton Walbrook
Roles Dr. Falke
Rating60% 3.001923.001923.001923.001923.00192
In 1955 Vienna, during its post-war occupation, the black-market dealer Dr. Falke (Anton Walbrook) moves freely through the French, British, American and Russian sectors, dealing in champagne and caviar amongst the highest echelons of the allied powers. After a costume party, French Colonel Gabriel Eisenstein (Michael Redgrave) plays a practical joke on a drunken Falke, depositing him, asleep and dressed as a bat, in the lap of a patriotic Russian statue, to be discovered the following morning by irate Russian soldiers. Falke is nearly arrested until his friend General Orlofsky (Anthony Quayle) of the USSR intervenes. A vengeful Falke plans an elaborate practical joke on his friend, involving Orlofsky, a British major (Dennis Price), Eisenstein's beautiful wife Rosalinda (Ludmilla Tcherina), her maid (Anneliese Rothenberger) and a masked ball where no one is what they seem. Complicating matters is American Captain Alfred Westerman (Mel Ferrer), an old flame of Rosalinda's who is determined to take advantage of her husband's absence.
Lola Montès, 1h56
Directed by Marcel Ophuls, Max Ophüls, Claude Pinoteau, Alain Jessua
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical, Romance
Themes Circus films
Actors Martine Carol, Peter Ustinov, Anton Walbrook, Oskar Werner, Lise Delamare, Paulette Dubost
Roles King Ludwig I of Bavaria
Rating71% 3.594663.594663.594663.594663.59466
In the mid-19th-century, Lola Montès (Martine Carol) is a famous, past-her-prime dancer and courtesan who has led an eventful and highly scandalous life. (She supposedly holds a world record for number of lovers.) She is now reduced to performing in a New Orleans circus, where an impresario/ringmaster (Peter Ustinov) has both befriended and exploited her by making her the central attraction. In the course of a single circus performance — which dramatically reenacts Lola's life and career — flashbacks reveal, first, her affair with composer Franz Liszt (Will Quadflieg); second, her unhappy youth and marriage to her own mother's boyfriend, Lt. Thomas James (Ivan Desny); and then her scandalous public breakup with conductor Claudio Pirotto (Claude Pinoteau). Along the way, her career as a dancer and "actress" has its ups and downs and she initially rejects the career advances of a younger version of Ustinov's impresario. In a longer flashback, constituting most of the second half of the film, her career as courtesan reaches a peak: her affair with the Bavarian King Ludwig I (Anton Walbrook), which incenses his subjects and leads to his eventual downfall in the March Revolution of 1848. In a final circus sequence, Lola — a "fallen woman" — ascends to the apex of the big top tent for a symbolic, death-defying plunge. She is last seen allowing herself to be touched, or kissed, by a very long queue of male, fee-paying circus patrons.
On Trial
On Trial (1954)
, 1h45
Directed by Julien Duvivier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Prison films, Films about capital punishment
Actors Daniel Gélin, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Madeleine Robinson, Anton Walbrook, Charles Vanel, Paola Borboni
Roles Grégoire Waremme
Rating66% 3.336273.336273.336273.336273.33627
Fils du grand procureur Andergast (Charles Vanel), Etzel veut réviser le dossier Maurizius dont la condamnation repose sur des présomptions. Ce dossier a permis à son père, 18 ans auparavant, de se lancer dans une grande carrière, mais Etzel veut en avoir le cœur net.
Le Plaisir
Le Plaisir (1952)
, 1h37
Directed by Max Ophüls
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Peinture, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Claude Dauphin, Peter Ustinov, Daniel Gélin, Paul Azaïs, Gaby Morlay, Danielle Darrieux
Roles Narrator, German version
Rating75% 3.797383.797383.797383.797383.79738
A somewhat artificial looking young dandy goes to an ornate dance hall, where he finds a young woman to be his dance partner. When he faints from the exertion, a doctor is called. He discovers that the dandy is in fact an old man wearing a mask to hide his aged appearance. The doctor takes the old man home to his patient wife. She explains that her husband Ambroise used to attract the ladies who frequented the hairdresser salon where he worked, but in the space of two years, he lost his looks. He goes out in disguise in an attempt to recapture his youth.
La Ronde
La Ronde (1950)
, 1h50
Directed by Max Ophüls
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Films about prostitution, Films based on plays
Actors Jean-Louis Barrault, Simone Signoret, Danielle Darrieux, Daniel Gélin, Serge Reggiani, Odette Joyeux
Roles Raconteur - le meneur de jeu
Rating74% 3.7458953.7458953.7458953.7458953.745895
It tells a series of stories about love affairs or illicit meetings involving a prostitute, a soldier, a chambermaid, her employer's son, a married woman, her husband, a young girl, a poet, an actress and a count. At the end of each encounter, one of the partners forms a liaison with another person, and so on.
The Queen of Spades, 1h35
Directed by Thorold Dickinson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Ghost films
Actors Anton Walbrook, Edith Evans, Yvonne Mitchell, Ronald Howard, Mary Jerrold, Anthony Dawson
Roles Capt. Herman Suvorin
Rating70% 3.5411253.5411253.5411253.5411253.541125
Captain Herman Suvorin (Anton Walbrook) is a Russian soldier in St Petersburg in 1806. He comes from a working class background, and is consequently spurned by his wealthier fellow officers. Suvorin begins gambling, playing the card game Faro. He is told of an aged countess (Edith Evans), who allegedly sold her soul to the devil in exchange for success in playing Faro. Suvorin seduces her ward (Yvonne Mitchell) as part of a plan to learn the countess's secret of success.
The Red Shoes, 2h14
Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Musical, Romance
Themes Dance films, Musical films, Children's films
Actors Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook, Marius Goring, Robert Helpmann, Albert Bassermann, Ludmila Tcherina
Roles Boris Lermontov
Rating80% 4.0483654.0483654.0483654.0483654.048365
Victoria 'Vicky' Page (Moira Shearer) is a young, unknown dancer from an aristocratic background. At an after-ballet party, arranged by her aunt as a surreptitious audition, she meets Boris Lermontov (Anton Walbrook), the ruthless but charismatic impresario of the Ballet Lermontov. Lermontov takes her on as a student, where she is taught by, among others, Grisha Ljubov (Léonide Massine), the company's chief choreographer.
The Man from Morocco
Directed by Mutz Greenbaum
Genres Action, Adventure, Spy
Themes Films set in Africa, Spy films, Political films
Actors Anton Walbrook, Margaretta Scott, Mary Morris, Reginald Tate, David Horne, Hartley Power
Roles Karel Langer
Rating56% 2.8274252.8274252.8274252.8274252.827425
A group of men who have spent two years in an internment camp are sent by the Vichy Government to build a railway in the Sahara. One escapes and returns to London to find his lover believes him to be dead and that she is being pursued by his deadliest enemy.
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, 2h43
Directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Roger Livesey, Deborah Kerr, Anton Walbrook, Roland Culver, Ursula Jeans, Patrick Macnee
Roles Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff
Rating79% 3.995463.995463.995463.995463.99546
Major-General Clive Wynne-Candy (Roger Livesey) is a senior commander in the Home Guard during the Second World War. Before a training exercise, he is captured in a Turkish bath by soldiers led by Lieutenant "Spud" Wilson, who has struck pre-emptively. He ignores Candy's outraged protests that "War starts at midnight!" They scuffle and fall into a bathing pool.
49th Parallel, 2h3
Directed by Michael Powell
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Politique, Prison films, Transport films, Aviation films, La bataille de l'Atlantique, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films, Documentary films about World War II
Actors Leslie Howard, Laurence Olivier, Raymond Massey, Raymond Lovell, Niall MacGinnis, Anton Walbrook
Roles Peter
Rating72% 3.646123.646123.646123.646123.64612
Early in the Second World War, U-37, a German U-boat, makes its way to Canadian waters and participates in the Battle of the St. Lawrence. It succeeds in evading an RCAF patrol and moves north. While a raiding party of six Nazi sailors is put ashore in an attempt to obtain supplies, the U-boat is sunk in Hudson Bay. The six attempt to evade capture by traveling across Canada to the still-neutral United States.
Dangerous Moonlight, 1h34
Directed by Brian Desmond Hurst
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Transport films, Aviation films, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films, Political films
Actors Anton Walbrook, Sally Gray, John Laurie, Guy Middleton, Cecil Parker, Alan Keith
Roles Stefan 'Steve' Radetzky
Rating61% 3.09883.09883.09883.09883.0988
During the German invasion of Poland, Polish airman and piano virtuoso, Stefan Radetzky (Anton Walbrook) meets American reporter Carole Peters (Sally Gray). He volunteers to fly a "suicide mission" against Germany, but is not selected. Radetzky is among the last to escape Warsaw and months later, in New York, he and Carole meet again, and marry.
Gaslight (1940)
, 1h29
Directed by Thorold Dickinson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Anton Walbrook, Diana Wynyard, Frank Pettingell, Cathleen Cordell, Robert Newton, Minnie Rayner
Roles Paul Mallen (as Anton Wahlbrook)
Rating72% 3.646323.646323.646323.646323.64632
Alice Barlow (Marie Wright) is murdered by an unknown man, who then ransacks her house, looking for her valuable and famous rubies. The house remains empty for years, until newlyweds Paul and Bella Mallen move in. Bella (Diana Wynyard) soon finds herself misplacing small objects; and, before long, Paul (Anton Walbrook) has her believing she is losing her sanity. B. G. Rough (Frank Pettingell), a former detective involved in the original murder investigation, immediately suspects him of Alice Barlow's murder.