Rancho Deluxe is a contemporary western film that was directed by Frank Perry and released in 1975. Jeff Bridges and Sam Waterston star as two cattle rustlers in modern-day Livingston, Montana who plague a wealthy ranch owner, played by Clifton James.
The film also stars Harry Dean Stanton, Richard Bright, Elizabeth Ashley and Slim Pickens as the aging detective Harry Beige hired to find the rustlers.
Jimmy Buffett contributed the music, and performed "Livingston Saturday Night" with alternate lyrics within the film in a scene set at a country and western bar.
The script was by novelist Thomas McGuane.Synopsis
Jack McKee and Cecil Colson are a couple of young, restless rustlers. Jack has turned his back on his wealthy family and his wife. Cecil is a Native American. Together, more out of boredom than anything else, they have begun rustling cattle, cutting them up with a chainsaw and paying bills with fresh meat in lieu of cash.