Reservation Road is a 2007 American drama film directed by Terry George and based on the book of the same title by John Burnham Schwartz, who, along with George, adapted the novel for the screenplay. The film, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Ruffalo, deals with the aftermath of a fatal car crash. It was released to theaters on October 19, 2007.
In the film I'm Still Here Joaquin Phoenix references the relative lack of success of this movie vs. the Leonardo DiCaprio starring vehicle Revolutionary Road and laments his lack of success while lauding DiCaprio's "luck" in his choice of roles and his career in relation to Phoenix'.Synopsis
Dwight Arno (Ruffalo) is an attorney who is divorced from his wife Ruth (Sorvino). Ruth controls custody of their son Lucas (Alderson) while Dwight maintains visitation rights. Dwight and Lucas are at a baseball game when Ruth calls, informing Dwight that he is late returning their son home. Dwight drives Lucas home in a hurry, thinking he might otherwise forfeit his visitation privileges. When he loses control of his vehicle, he strikes a young boy, Josh Learner (Curley), who is standing by the roadside.