Resurrection: The J.R. Richard Story (2005) is an American independent film, directed by Greg Carter and Benjamin O. Jimerson-Phillips, Executive Producers Charlie Bellinger, J.R. Richard & Larry Johnson; and Produced by Benjamin O. Jimerson-Phillips, and Bruce Dalton, starring David Ramsey and Charles Durning two time Academy Award Nominee. The film is a biopic tale of the Houston Astros baseball Pitcher J.R. Richard, his life high points struggles. Shot by Bellinger-7 Films, which is owned by Ms. Charlie Bellinger-Bethea, former wife of NFL Hall of Fame Inductee Elvin Bethea. And done in association with Nexus Films & Adept Films Inc.Synopsis
The story of famed Houston Astros baseball Pitcher J.R. Richard, from his early life in Louisiana, to his beginnings as a major baseball player in 1969, leading up to the massive stroke he suffered in 1980, leaving his only true Resurrection to his close friends and fans back into baseball.