Romeo & Juliet is a 2013 British-Italian-Swiss romantic drama film adaptation of William Shakespeare's romantic tragedy of the same name directed by Carlo Carlei. The film opened in the United Kingdom and the United States on 11 October 2013. Like Franco Zeffirelli's adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy, this film uses the traditional setting of Renaissance Verona, but, unlike previous major film adaptations, this film only follows the plot and uses only some of the dialogue as written by Shakespeare. This has led to a controversy, with several critics denouncing the film's advertising as misleading, and losing the essence of the play.Synopsis
During the Late Middle Ages in Verona, two wealthy families, the Montagues and Capulets, have been feuding for centuries. One day at the market place, the feuding families start a brawl which infuriates the Prince and he threatens that if the peace of Verona is disturbed again, he shall take their lives. Meanwhile, Romeo is a young Montague who reveals that he is in love with Lord Capulet's niece, Rosaline.