Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys is a 2001 computer-animated feature film directed by Bill Kowalchuk for GoodTimes Entertainment. It was released on video and DVD on October 30, 2001. The film revisits classic characters like Hermey the Elf (now a D.D.S.) and Rudolph, who is now famous at the Arctic tundra, and uses the characters from the 1964 Rankin-Bass TV special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and takes place several years after the events of that special (despite Rudolph and Clarice appearing younger in this film than they did at the end of the original special). However, technically and legally speaking, it is a sequel to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie, which Goodtimes had released in 1998. Kowalchuk directed both of the Goodtimes movies, and Kathleen Barr provided the voice of Rudolph in both films, though there is little to no character continuity between the two films, instead attempting to establish it in the Rankin-Bass fictional universe.
The German cover shows Rudolph as he appeared in the 1998 film and bills it as "Rudolph 2", suggesting it to be a sequel to the 1998 film, however he is shown alongside the licensed Rankin-Bass characters in the film.
The voice cast included Rick Moranis, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Richard Dreyfuss.Synopsis
The film opens up with toys being wrapped under the tree, and a child going to sleep. Meanwhile, a strange vacuum comes from the chimney to the fireplace sucking up all the toys that were ready to be opened for Christmas. We then see a strange figure in a green coat on the roof of the house, playing his flute and hypnotizing the toys to the vacuum, making them go all the way up to his blimp. All night he would continuously do the same thing stealing toys from houses all over the world. Later, we run into a Snowman, (not Sam) named Scoop the Snowman who will narrate the story from beginning to end.