Sa Kuko Ng Agila, also known as "In the Claws of the Eagle", stars Joseph Estrada alongside with Nikki Coseteng, Maria Isabel Lopez, Tommy Abuel, Paquito Diaz and Jinggoy Estrada. The film is a bold depiction of the real Olongapo City when the U.S. Military bases were still there. The movie was written by Ricky Lee and directed by Augusto Buenaventura.
It was a fight between principle and practicality; a battle of healthy past and promising future; and most of all, a quest for freedom and nationalism.
^ "Sa Kuko Ng Agila". IMDB. Retrieved 2014-09-24.
^ - Sa Kuko Ng AgilaSynopsis
Tonyo (Joseph Estrada), a mini-bus driver in Olongapo, opposes U.S. military bases in the Philippines. He saw the changes of the City after the military bases were established. Social problems of corruption, prostitution, poverty, and the plight of fishermen after the base appropriated much of the land and sea. The movie depicts his struggle between principle and practicality, a battle of healthy past and promising future and the quest for freedom and nationalism.