Sant Sakhu is a 1941 Hindi and Marathi devotional movie directed by Vishnupant Govind Damle. The movie is based on the life of Hindu female Sant (saint) Sakhubai of Maharashtra, of the Bhakti Movement era.Synopsis
Sakhu Bai, an ardent devotee of Vitthala, lives with her husband and a cruel mother-in-law. The mother thinks that her daughter-in-law will spoil her only son and then he will behave as she wishes and he will start neglecting his mother. Her husband also does not say anything to his mother because he thinks as he is her only son so people will disrespect him and his wife if he takes his wife's side. So Sakhu has to bear all the ill-treatment silently. She worships Vitthala with all her heart and forgets her daily life sufferings.