Single and Married is a 2012 Ghanaian Nigerian romantic blue comedy film, produced by Yvonne Nelson and directed by Pascal Amanfo. It stars Yvonne Nelson, Chris Attoh, Nadia Buari, Tana Adelana, Kofi Adjorlolo, Eddie Watson and Jane 'Efya' Awindor. The film "centres on the drama, the intrigue and the dirty little secrets of three male friends, their sex lives, being single or married, and all the in-betweens".
The film was met with negative to mixed reviews. However, it received ten nominations at the 2012 Ghana Movie Awards and won four awards at the event, including Best Picture, Best Directing (English Language), Best Actress in a Support Role (English), and Best Cinematography.
A sequel, Single, Married and Complicated, was released in 2014.Synopsis
Jay (Chris Attoh), a casanova, to the surprise of his friends, proposes to his girlfriend, Kimora (Yvonne Nelson). Jay's friend, Raymond (Kay Elliot), a casanova who's now also married to one of Kimora's friends, Paula (Nadia Buari), is indifferent. Andy (Eddie Watson), the "baddest" of the trio, thinks Jay is about to get into a lifetime imprisonment.