Sixty Cents an Hour is a 1923 American comedy silent film directed by Joseph Henabery and written by Grant Carpenter and Frank Condon. The film stars Walter Hiers, Jacqueline Logan, Ricardo Cortez, Charles Stanton Ogle, Lucille Ward and Robert Dudley. The film was released on May 13, 1923, by Paramount Pictures.
As described in a film publication, Bob Blake (Arbuckle), a travelling salesman, is the victim of a practical joke and gets off the train before his intended destination of Grand River. Bob is drenched in the pouring rain and, when he cannot find lodging, breaks into a private house that the sheriff is going to sell for a tax delinquency. The house belongs to Beth Elliott (Clarke), a telegraph operator at Grand River Station. Bob looks her up so he can pay for his lodging and falls in love with her. Franklin Royce (Holland), also in love with Beth, is jealous of Bob and accepts a proposition from Martin Drury (Taylor) to trick Beth out of the proceeds of the tax sale. In the end, Bob saves the house and wins the girl.