Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia's Children is a 2008 documentary film that follows several street and dumpster children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on their journey to receive an education. The film was written, directed, and produced by Heather Connell.
The documentary was awarded the 2009 Gold Medal Award at the New York International Film and Video Awards and 2nd place Best Documentary at the Rhode Island International Film Festival in 2008.
^ "New York Festivals". Retrieved 19 September 2011.
^ "Rhode Island International Film Festival 2008 Award Winners Announced". Fest21. Retrieved 19 September 2011.Synopsis
Thirty years ago, the Khmer Rouge perpetrated genocide upon their own people. Attempting to create a classless society, they killed nearly 1.7 million people, primarily the adult, educated and artistic population. Today, the children born to the uneducated, poverty-stricken survivors face a bleak future. With the farming lands in the countryside decimated and little opportunity in the cities, thousands of children are struggling to survive.