Socks and Cakes is a 2010 American comedy/drama short film directed and written by Antonio Padovan. The film includes performances by Timothy J. Cox, Kirsty Meares, Jeff Moffitt, Ben Prayz and Alex Vincent.Synopsis
Harry (Timothy J. Cox) is a misanthropic French literature professor who is just taking his life one day at a time, getting by with just enough to survive. His ex-wife Amanda (Kirsty Meares) is now married to Harry's best friend, Richard (Jeff Moffitt), an architect. Both seem to put on a positive front that all is well with their marriage, but Amanda has her doubts and Richard has a wandering eye, especially when he meets the free-spirited, innocent, Sophie (Alex Vincent). Sophie has come to the party with her current boyfriend, the older and always grinning real estate broker, David (Ben Prayz).