Soombe is a Tulu language film directed by Saikrishna Kudla starring Rahul, Shritama Mukherjee, Devadas Kapikad, Naveen D Padil, Bhojaraj Vamanjoor, Aravind Bolar,Saikrishna, Prasanna Bailoor, Sunder rai in lead roles and Sandalwood stars Srinagar Kitty, Bullet Prakash, Vaijanath Biradar in a guest roles. Soombe is produced under the banner of Sri Yajnadhya Productions by Kishor Kottari and Shwetha K Kottari.Synopsis
Described as a film within a film, the ‘masala’ story for Soombe revolves around a Kannada producer (Vaijanath Biradar) producing a Tulu cinema. The main theme of the story revolves around a financier who is after the hero (Rahul Amin) to recover the loan given to him.