Soundtrack for a Revolution is a 2009 documentary film written and directed by Bill Guttentag and Dan Sturman. This documentary traces the story of the Civil Rights Movement and the struggles fought by young African-American activists with an emphasis on the power of music. Soundtrack for a Revolution had its international premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and its North American premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival. Soundtrack for a Revolution was selected by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as part of the Oscar shortlist for the Documentary Feature category of the 82nd Academy Awards. The film has screened at numerous festivals including Cannes, Tribeca, IDFA and Sheffield Doc/Fest.Synopsis
L'histoire du mouvement pour les droits civiques aux États-Unis a toujours été rythmé par de la musique, des mélodies salvatrices, des chants pour la liberté. A travers les différents groupes musicaux de l'époque, "Soundtrack for a Revolution" retrace les combats des esclaves noirs de l'époque.