Spork is a 2011 musical comedy film written and directed by J.B. Ghuman Jr. and starring Savannah Stehlin, Sydney Park, Rachel G. Fox, Michael William Arnold, Oana Gregory, Beth Grant, Elaine Hendrix, Yeardley Smith, Rodney Eastman, Keith David and Richard Riehle. The screenwriter was J.B. Ghuman Jr and the production was by Christopher Racster, Chad Allen, Honey Labrador and Geric Frost.Synopsis
A 14-year-old girl nicknamed "Spork" is unpopular, mistreated by her classmates, and very soft-spoken. Her next-door neighbor and best friend, known as "Tootsie Roll", is planning on entering the school Dance-Off to win $236 which she would use to visit her father in prison. During a hair-product-related dancing accident, Tootsie Roll injures her ankle and can no longer compete in the competition. Spork rises to the occasion and surprises the whole school by signing up for the Dance-Off.