Stage Fright is an Aardman Animations stop-motion animated short film produced, directed, and co-written by Steve Box. Tess Daulton is also an uncredited co-writer. The story follows Tiny, a music hall (vaudeville) performer, Arnold Hugh, a silent film actor, and Tiny's co-worker Daphne (Fellows), as they attempt to adjust to the coming age of film. All three characters are voiced by Graham Fellows. The movie is eleven minutes in length, and won a BAFTA Award for Best Short Animated Film in 1998.Synopsis
Tiny, a dog trainer, hides with his dogs in a wicker basket on the stage of an abandoned vaudeville theater. He emerges to have them practice a trick, attacking a tattered straw boater hat on command. When a second man, Arnold Hugh, emerges menacingly onto the stage, Tiny fearfully backs away from him and falls into the orchestra pit, getting his clothes snagged on a broken plank.