State of Emergency is a 2011 American horror film written and directed by Turner Clay. It stars Jay Hayden, Tori White, Scott Lilly, and Kathryn Todd Norman as survivors of a neurotoxin quarantine who have to survive an assault by the infected.Synopsis
After a chemical plant explodes, the military quarantines the surrounding area. Jim helplessly watches his girlfriend Emilie die of a wound sustained while trying to find safety, and he retreats to a farmhouse. Sporadic media reports indicate that the chemical plant may have stored biological weapons that are responsible for mutating people into rabid cannibals. He seeks help from the ubiquitous military helicopters that patrol the area, but it is to no avail. However, his efforts are noticed by survivors holed up nearby in a warehouse, and he joins them: Scott, Scott's wife Julie, and Ix, a quiet and unfriendly survivor that they rescued.