Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams Movie is a 2006 American computer-animated film produced by DIC Entertainment, and released theatrically in select cities on October 7, 2006 by Kidtoon Films. It is the first feature-length film to feature the eponymous American Greetings property, and stars the voices of Sarah Heinke, Rachel Ware, Nils Haaland and Bridget Robbins. The film also includes the first appearance of the villain, the Peculiar Pie Man, since Nelvana's Strawberry Shortcake specials from more than twenty years ago.
This marks the fourth time DiC has ever released an animated film in theaters, following their efforts with Here Come the Littles, Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer and Heathcliff: The Movie from the mid-1980s. Fox Home Entertainment premiered The Sweet Dreams Movie on DVD on February 6, 2007.Synopsis
Strawberry Shortcake is dreaming of a world filled with berry plants that she and her friends can share. But when the Peculiar Pie Man comes to Strawberry Land, her dreams and friendships begin dying, leading to a crop whose stock has been devoured by "Berry Birds". After arranging a sleepover with her friends, Strawberry and the rest travel to the Land of Dreams on a Dreamboat that Ginger Snap has built, in order to stop the Pie Man from taking over their residence.