Dunderklumpen! is a 1974 Swedish family film directed by Per Åhlin, which combines animation and live action. The story involves several musical numbers. It was released on 26 September 1974. At the 11th Guldbagge Awards, Åhlin won a Special Achievement award for the film.Synopsis
On a summer evening in northern Sweden, when the sun doesn’t quite set, Dunderklumpen (an animated character) comes out of the woods to seek some friends to keep him company. He comes upon a "human" house of the Wolgers family where Dunderklumpen finds toys belonging to a boy named Jens and his young sister. Using his magic, Dunderklumpen brings the toys to life and takes them away to the woods where he lives. This adorable and amusing crew includes the small but fiercely brave lion Lionel, the demanding toy girl Doll, the cute harmonica-playing bear Pellegnillot, and the ridiculous Dummy the Bunny.