Sukhmani – Hope for Life - is a Punjabi film Starring Gurdas Maan, Juhi Chawla, Divya Dutta and Bhagwant Mann. The film directed by Manjeet Maan, wife of Gurdas Maan and produced by Gurdas Maan and their son Gurikk Maan. The film has been made by the Maan's own production company - Sai Lok Sangeet, with screenplay by Irshad Kamil, music by Jaidev Kumar and lyrics written by Gurdas Maan. Music to the film was released on 6 January 2010 and includes vocals from Gurdas Maan, Shreya Ghoshal and for the first time ever in her career - Juhi Chawla has sung alongside Gurdas Maan in a duet for the song "Preeto - Track 3" and "Nanhi Si Gudiya - Track 2".
The film is distributed by the UK BOX OFFICE and B4U Productions who really helped making the film.Synopsis
Sukhmani- Hope For Life is a story based on the Journey of Major Kuldeep Singh, played by Gurdas Maan, a decorated officer of the Para Battalion, who overcomes personal trauma and social indignity to uphold the morals of the army and the honour of a woman rejected by society and family, while keeping alive the memory of his beloved daughter Sukhmani.