Target Earth is an independently made 1954 science fiction film produced by Herman Cohen, directed by Sherman A. Rose, starring Richard Denning, Kathleen Crowley, Virginia Grey and Whit Bissell. The film was distributed by Allied Artists Pictures Corporation.
Target Earth tells the story of a deserted Chicago and a small group of people who have been overlooked during a mass evacuation of "the city that never sleeps" because of a sudden invasion by hostile robotic beings from the planet Venus.Synopsis
After a botched attempt at suicide, Nora King (Kathleen Crowley) revives and discovers that her building has no electricity or water. She soon realizes that Chicago is deserted when she wanders out into the empty, quiet streets. Stumbling over the body of a dead woman, she encounters Frank Brooks (Richard Denning), another person who has just recently revived after being beaten in a robbery.