Bikini Cavegirl (also known as Teenage Cavegirl) is a softcore pornographic film made by Fred Olen Ray under the pseudonyms "Nicholas Medina" and "Sherman Scott". It has been described as "a sexy makeover", but not a remake, of Ray's earlier film, Dinosaur Island. It was released directly to video in 2004 under the title Teenage Cavegirl, and is shown on cable as Bikini Cavegirl.Synopsis
A prehistoric cavegirl named Tahra (Jezebelle Bond) with a penchant for passion finds pleasure in the company of archeologists when she is accidentally transported to the future. There she encounters two archaeologists named Richard (Voodoo) and Sharon (Kennedy Johnston). After several adventures, many of them sexual, Tahra's lover Tiko (Evan Stone) also finds his way to the future. Eventually, all of them are transported back to the time of Tahra. This story also has an unexpected science fiction twist ending.