Teesh and Trude is an Australian drama directed by Melanie Rodriga, and was adapted from an original stage-play by Wilson McCaskill. The film was produced and shot entirely in Western Australia with Production Investment Funding Support from ScreenWest and Lotterywest. It was shot on video at Murdoch University where New Zealand director Melanie Rodriga teaches (Rodrgia previously made a couple of New Zealand films in the 1980s, Trial Run and Send A Gorilla).
The film received three nominations at the Australian Film Institute Awards in 2003 and one at the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards.Synopsis
Teesh (Susie Porter), an unemployed single mother in her twenties, shares a flat with an older, divorced friend, Trude (Linda Cropper). Teesh is starting to crack under the strain of taking care of her son Kenny (Mason Richardson) and her problems only get worse when her abusive father (Bill McClusky), who’s just been released from prison, visits.