Suggestions of similar film to The Amazing Adventures of Inspector Gadget
There are 11 films with the same actors, 1 films with the same director, 46573 with the same cinematographic genres (including 573 with exactly the same 3 genres than
The Amazing Adventures of Inspector Gadget), 541 films with the same themes, to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
The Amazing Adventures of Inspector Gadget, you will probably like those similar films :

, 1h19
Directed by David KelloggOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
Comic science fictionThemes Films about animals,
Comedy science fiction films,
Films about cats,
Films about dogs,
Superhero films,
Children's films,
Mise en scène d'un mammifère,
Robot filmsActors Matthew Broderick,
Mike Myers,
Rupert Everett,
Joely Fisher,
Michelle Trachtenberg,
Dabney ColemanRating42%

John Brown is a humble, but clumsy security guard working at the Bradford robotics laboratory in Riverton, Ohio, run by Artemus Bradford and his daughter Brenda, whom Brown has a crush on. Brown wishes to become a police officer, with support from his niece Penny. Brenda and Artemus create a lifelike robotic foot as part of the Gadget Program, to create cybernetically augmented police officers. Tycoon Sanford Scolex attacks the lab, steals the foot, and has Artemus murdered before escaping in his limo. Brown goes chasing him down in his car, which leads to its being destroyed by Scolex's explosive cigar leaving brown for dead, but a bowling ball coming from the fiery blast of Brown’s destroyed car smashingly crushes Scolex's hand, forcing him to replace it with a mechanical claw.
, 1h18
Genres Science fiction,
Comic science fictionThemes Films about animals,
Films about music and musicians,
Comedy science fiction films,
Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal,
Films about cats,
Musical films,
Children's films,
Mise en scène d'un mammifèreActors Chris Phillips,
Alice Playten,
Peter Newman,
Kevin Michael RichardsonRating46%

In the Kingdom of Oriana, Princess Oriana, ruler of the kingdom, has been informed by a local fortune teller Pearl that her evil uncle, the Duke of Zill, is invading the kingdom. To counter the threat of the Duke, Oriana and Pearl descend into the cavern underneath the castle and attempt to use an ancient device called the "Dimensporter" in order to escape to another dimension and find a hero to save the kingdom. However, they are caught by the Duke's robotic army and imprisoned, while the Duke himself seizes control of the kingdom. As the princess is taken away by the Duke's "Cylinder" robots, she sheds a magical tear, which flies into the Dimensporter in her place and is transported to Felix's dimension, where the eponymous feline is taking a nap underneath a palm tree when the tear finds him. The tear wakes and guides him to an abandoned gold mine, where the Dimensporter is located. Felix, with his magical bag of tricks, is soon transported to the Kingdom of Oriana.
, 5minutes
Origin DanemarkGenres Science fiction,
Comic science fictionThemes Space adventure films,
Comedy science fiction films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Space opera,
Films about extraterrestrial lifeRating62%

The plot loosely follows that of the original trilogy. Part 1 begins with the video recalling the start of Episode IV: A New Hope with an Imperial Star Destroyer pursuing the Tantive IV. Following the intrusion of Imperial Stormtroopers, Jar Jar Binks appears as a janitor wiping the floor of ship. At this point everyone freezes as Jar Jar passes by, and after leaving, the fighting resumes as the Rebel troopers are shot backward. Afterwards, Darth Vader walks in but slips on the wet floor; he lands on his back and is taken away on a stretcher while Jar Jar puts up a wet floor sign.
, 1h28
Directed by Pete MichelsOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
Comic science fictionThemes Films about families,
Time travel films,
Comedy science fiction films,
Children's filmsActors Seth MacFarlane,
Seth Green,
Mila Kunis,
Alex Borstein,
Alex Borstein,
Patrick WarburtonRating74%

The DVD version shows the premiere of the film, where celebrities such as Drew Barrymore date the Kool-Aid Man, the Greased-Up Deaf Guy, the Evil Monkey, David Bowie, and the Griffins. Everyone goes into the theatre where Channel 5 reveals they have hired Glenn Quagmire to provide them with a bootleg copy of the film. We then see an advertisement for a new movie, People Who Look Like They Never Sleep... starring Susan Sarandon and Vince Vaughn, and another film, The Littlest Bunny. After this, the film begins.
, 5minutes
Origin DanemarkGenres Science fiction,
Comic science fictionThemes Space adventure films,
Comedy science fiction films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Space opera,
Films about extraterrestrial lifeActors Matt Lanter,
James Arnold Taylor,
Dee Bradley Baker,
Frank Welker,
Matthew Wood,
Christopher LeeRating61%

The story begins with Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2 on a Separatist cruiser where they have completed an important mission and attempt to escape in Anakin's Jedi starfighter. But they are attacked by Hyena droid bombers and R2-D2 is blasted out into space. When he returns to the Jedi Temple, the Jedi masters scold him and tell him to find the droid and his special blueprints. Meanwhile, the Separatist leaders are desperate to recover the droid, and Chancellor Palpatine has dispatched a special squad of clones to Hoth to do the same.
, 23minutes
Directed by Nick ParkOrigin United-kingdomGenres Science fiction,
AnimationThemes Films about animals,
Cooking films,
Space adventure films,
Feminist films,
Sur la Lune,
Comedy science fiction films,
Films about dogs,
Political films,
Space opera,
Children's films,
Sur la Lune,
Mise en scène d'un mammifère,
Robot filmsActors Peter Sallis,
Peter HawkinsRating76%

As Wallace and Gromit relax at home, wondering where to go on vacation during the upcoming bank holiday, Wallace decides to fix a snack of tea and crackers with cheese. Finding no cheese in the kitchen, he decides that the pair should go to a place known for its cheese. A glance out the window at the night sky gives them the idea to travel to the moon, since, according to Wallace, "everybody knows the moon's made of cheese." They build a rocket in the basement and pack for the trip, but after lighting the fuse, Wallace realizes that he has forgotten to bring any crackers. Hurrying to the kitchen, he grabs several boxes and returns to the rocket just in time for liftoff.
, 1h40
Directed by Chris Miller,
Chris Miller,
Phil LordOrigin DanemarkGenres Comedy,
AnimationThemes Films about children,
Sports films,
Comedy science fiction films,
Martial arts films,
Batman films,
Superman films,
Films about extraterrestrial life,
Superhero films,
Films about toys,
Political films,
Dystopian films,
Super-héros inspiré de comics,
Space opera,
Children's films,
Films about extraterrestrial lifeActors Chris Pratt,
Will Ferrell,
Elizabeth Banks,
Will Arnett,
Nick Offerman,
Alison BrieRating76%

In the Lego universe, the wizard Vitruvius attempts to protect a superweapon called the "Kragle" from the evil Lord Business. He fails to do so, but prophesies that a person called "the Special" will find the Piece of Resistance capable of stopping the Kragle.
, 1h20
Origin BresilGenres Science fiction,
Comic science fictionThemes Space adventure films,
Time travel films,
Comedy science fiction films,
Films set in the future,
Space opera,
Children's filmsActors Bianca RinaldiRating72%

The film begins with Franklin finishing up his time travel machine. He explains to his dog Blu that it works with the synthesis of the four elements. Just outside, Jimmy Five and Smudge concoct an "infallible plan" to steal Monica's blue toy rabbit, Samson. The plan eventually fails when Monica, while on a picnic with Maggy, discovers it. Jimmy Five and Smudge hide in Franklin's office. Monica and Maggy follow them there, where Monica accidentally throws her rabbit on Franklin's machine, causing the elements to travel to different periods in time. Franklin sends each child into a different time after the elements in order to bring them back. If they fail, time will slow down and eventually stop. Monica and Blu end up in Prehistoric times to recover the element of fire. Jimmy Five is sent to the 30th century to recover the element of air. Maggy is sent to a few years back (when the kids were babies) to recover the element of earth. Smudge is sent to an indigenous tribe in Colonial-era Brazil to recover water.
Genres Comedy,
AnimationThemes Comedy science fiction films,
Films set in the future,
Children's filmsActors George O'Hanlon,
Penny Singleton,
Janet Waldo,
Daws Butler,
Rob PaulsenRating61%

Judy Jetson and her friends idolize rock star Sky Rocker and attend his concert, despite her father's disapproval of rock concerts. Judy had just written a new song and wants to give it to Sky. Meanwhile, evil space queen Felonia Funk is out to destroy music and sends her cronies, Quark and Quasar, to give Commander Comsat a message containing a code that will help Felonia find a rare crystal that will assist in her evil doings. Sky Rocker gets the wrong song and it becomes a huge sensation, leading to Felonia's kidnapping of Sky Rocker and a group of music-loving aliens, the Zoomies, to help Judy. Meanwhile, Elroy and Astro pursue Judy as she is chased by space villains and George goes out to find his daughter.
, 1h34
Directed by Mike ThurmeierOrigin USAGenres Science fiction,
AnimationThemes Films about animals,
Dinosaur films,
Space adventure films,
Films about families,
La préhistoire,
Dans l'espace,
Comedy science fiction films,
Animaux préhistoriques,
Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal,
Children's films,
Disaster films,
American disaster filmsActors Chris Wedge,
John Leguizamo,
Keke Palmer,
Ray Romano,
Denis Leary,
Seann William ScottRating57%

Scrat va dans l'espace et provoque la collision entre deux planètes, ce qui crée un astéroïde filant droit vers la Terre. Manny, Sid, Diego et le reste de la bande vont devoir fuir leur chez-soi. Buck, la belette de L'Âge de glace 3, est de retour. Nos héros vont voyager vers des terres exotiques et rencontreront une ribambelle de personnages hauts en couleurs, tels que le spirituel Shangri Lama.