The Architect is a 2006 American film directed by Matt Tauber in which architect Leo Waters (Anthony LaPaglia) is confronted by angry residents of a housing complex he designed. The buildings have created a culture of crime in the neighborhood and the residents want them pulled down.Synopsis
Architect Leo Waters' life is in trouble and in order to have some sense of control, he attempts to lord over the other members of his family. His career appears to be going nowhere; his wife Julia (Isabella Rossellini) is a bored housewife who spends her time tending to the luxurious modern house he has designed for them, their son Martin (Sebastian Stan} drops out of college and has no interest in taking up his father's dream of also becoming an architect, and their daughter Christina (Hayden Panettiere) has entered her mid-teens and her father has started staring at her maturing body in an unfatherly way.