The Black Ninja is a 2003 American martial arts action film written, directed and starring Clayton Prince, and featuring Carla Brothers, Nicky DeMatteo, Yuki Matsuzaki, Heather Hunter, John Canada Terrell and Michael Chance. The film has been called a modern-day Blaxploitation film, however, it received very poor reviews from critics. After a limited theatrical release, it went straight-to-DVD and distributed worldwide in January 2003. The sequel Black Ninja: Take Two was released as a direct download February 2015.Synopsis
Maliq Ali (Clayton Prince) is a defense attorney whose guilt over freeing guilty criminals, and the death of his family, leads him to become a costumed ninja vigilante who stalks these same criminals at night. After refusing to defend Tony Fanelli (Nicky DeMatteo), a small-time mobster accused of murder, he finds himself involved in protecting the only witness, Tracey Allen (Carla Brothers), from Fanelli's hired thugs. While protecting this young woman, he is confronted by The Red Ninja (Yuki Matsuzaki), a Japanese assassin, who years before killed his family rather than pay Ali for defending him.