The Blob is a 1988 science-fiction monster horror film directed and written by Chuck Russell, co-written with Frank Darabont, and starring Kevin Dillon, Shawnee Smith, Donovan Leitch, Jeffrey DeMunn, Candy Clark and Joe Seneca. Set as a remake of the 1958 horror film of the same name, the film depicts an amorphous acidic amoeba-like organism that eats and dissolves anything in its path as it grows, where it begins to feed on the residents of the fictional town of Arborville, California.Synopsis
A meteorite crashes near Arborville, California. An elderly transient discovers, within the sphere, a massive slime mold-like substance (the Blob) that attaches itself to his hand. Three high school students, Brian, Meg and Paul, take him to a hospital. After Brian leaves, Paul witnesses the lower half of the transient melting from exposure to the Blob. As he calls for help, the Blob drops on top of him. Meg arrives to see Paul being devoured by the growing Blob. While she tries to free him, his arm dissolves off, Meg is thrown against a wall and knocked unconscious, and the Blob oozes out of the hospital.