The Christmas Shoes is a made-for-TV movie, broadcast on CBS in December 2002. It is based on the song and novel of the same name. It was shot in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It is the first part of a trilogy, followed by The Christmas Blessing (2005) and The Christmas Hope (2009).
The film has three plot lines. One story is about a driven, workaholic lawyer named Robert Layton and his deteriorating marriage; another is about Robert's heartbroken mother Ellen and her friendly neighbor Dalton, a teacher; and the main story is about Maggie Andrews and her terminal illness, and how her family (small businessman husband Jack and young son Nathan) deal with it. All three stories are linked together, with Ellen taking over Maggie's volunteer job directing the local school choir during the Christmas season.Synopsis
Brillant avocat, Robert Layton a toujours privilégié sa carrière, au point de voir s'éloigner sa femme, Kate, et leur fille de douze ans, Lily. Lorsque Maggie Andrews, le professeur de Lily, dont cette dernière est très proche, tombe gravement malade, elle réalise que chaque moment passé auprès de son mari Jack et son fils Nathan compte. Ce dernier est bien déterminé à offrir à sa maman le plus beau des cadeaux de Noël : une paire de chaussures qui feront d'elle la plus belle...