The Comedian is a 2012 British drama film, written and directed by Tom Shkolnik as his feature debut. The movie was shot in central London and follows the life of Ed (Edward Hogg) as it paints a vivid picture of the city. Shkolnik was nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2012 London Film Festival.Synopsis
Ed works an office job as a cancer insurance call-center operator by day, a job he seems not to enjoy, especially as he's in his early thirties. The movie details the hardships faced in London as Ed moonlights as a stand-up comedian, and shows the different dilemmas faced by gay men as Ed experiences turmoil - emotional, sexual and professional - and ends up retreating into himself to observe his environs. His personal life is also in disarray as he is torn between a newfound love, artist Nathan (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett), and his best friend and flatmate Elisa, who develops issues with the boyfriend.