The Day Mars Invaded Earth (aka Spaceraid 63) is an independently made 1963 black-and-white CinemaScope science fiction film produced and directed by Maury Dexter and starring Kent Taylor, Marie Windsor, and William Mims. The film was released by Twentieth Century Fox. Dexter later said the film's title came from Associated Producers' Robert L. Lippert and was meant to evoke memories of Fox's 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still.
The film's plot is a cross between George Pal's The War of the Worlds (1953), and Don Siegel's Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), and involves energy-being Martians duplicating a scientist and his family in order to prepare for their invasion of Earth.Synopsis
NASA successfully lands a robotic surveyor on Mars. The rover begins to explore, but after just a few minutes it is completely destroyed by what appears to be a high energy surge. At that exact same instant back at mission control, Dr. Dave Fielding (Kent Taylor), in charge of the project, suddenly feels oddly disconnected and not himself; he shakes it off and then goes to face the crowd of expectant reporters. Right after he leaves, his exact body double is sitting at his desk.