The Day Reagan Was Shot is a 2001 film made for television directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh and co-produced by Oliver Stone. The film stars Richard Dreyfuss as Alexander Haig and Richard Crenna as Ronald Reagan, and co-stars Michael Murphy, Holland Taylor, Kenneth Welsh and Colm Feore in leading supporting-turns. The film is based on the events surrounding the Reagan assassination attempt on March 30, 1981 by John Hinckley, Jr. which leads to a media frenzy and a loss of control in the Situation Room that nearly results in an international crisis. The movie was critiqued for its exaggeration of events and taking many liberties with history.Synopsis
Le 30 mars 1981, John Hinckley, un jeune homme perturbé, tente d'approcher le président Reagan alors en déplacement. Son objectif est de l'assassiner. Il tire à six reprises sur le chef d'Etat, échouant à le tuer, mais mettant sa vie en grand danger. Deux chirurgiens prennent le Président en charge...