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The Divorcee is a american film of genre Drama directed by Herbert Blaché released in USA on 20 january 1919 with Ethel Barrymore

The Divorcee (1919)

The Divorcee
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Released in USA 20 january 1919
Directed by
Genres Drama

The Divorceé is a 1919 American society drama starring Ethel Barrymore in her last silent film. The film is based on a 1908 play, Lady Frederick by young Somerset Maugham, which had starred Barrymore on Broadway. The play was already quite dated when this film was made, but the actress was always comfortable with this kind of soap-operish melodramatic material. Herbert Blaché directed, and June Mathis wrote the scenario based on Maugham's play. The film was produced and distributed by the Metro Pictures company.

It is believed to be a lost film. The last surviving copy perished in the 1967 MGM vault fire.


As described in a film magazine, Betsy O'Hara (Barrymore) marries Lord Frederick Berolles (Ratcliffe) to please her parents, and while now is Lady Frederick, she finds herself miserable when her husband constantly insults her after discovering that she loves another. It does not help that Sir Paradise Fuldes (Herbert), the man she would have married except for his poverty, soon thereafter comes into a fortune. Her sister Kitty (Childers), while married to a man of position, has foolishly compromised herself with Robert Montgomery (Kilgour), a cad who forces her to visit his rooms on threat of disclosure. While assisting her sister in the recovery of some old love letters, she is surprised in the apartments of Montgomery, and assumes the situation to save her sister's reputation. She is then divorced, and sinks in the social scale. Lord Charles Mereston (Entwistle) meets her while gambling in Monte Carlo and falls in love with her. Lady Frederick does not encourage him, but he will not take no for an answer. His wife Lady Mereston (Gordon) appeals to her brother Sir Paradise to intervene, and while Lady Frederick resents the interference, she sends Mereston about his business using an ingenious device, and finds her reward in the arms of Paradise.


Ethel Barrymore

(Lady Frederick Berolles)
Holmes Herbert

(Sir Paradine Fuldes)
Edward J. Ratcliffe

(Lord Frederick Berolles)
Naomi Childers

(Kitty Beresford)
Joseph Kilgour

(Robert Montgomery)
Trailer of The Divorcee

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